GAACC Newsletter September 14, 2024
Golf Sponsorships Available | After Dark Photos | Yoga In The Park Thursday!
The Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce supports Asian-owned and allied businesses across Central Texas through programs focused on Advocacy, Connection, and Education.
A fundamental value of GAACC's work is building opportunity for local businesses to grow. From mom'n'pops and startups to established local players, we can help.
Austin is poised to take the next step building international business ties to strengthen our region's economy. The GAACC is among the local organizations spearheading this work.
Whether through networking events, referrals, business development workshops, masterclass events, or marketing support, we create nurturing spaces to help your business bloom.
Golf Sponsorships Available | After Dark Photos | Yoga In The Park Thursday!
In partnership with the Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC), we invite all Austin-area AAPI-owned small businesses to apply for a $3,000 grant.
We caught up recently with Aileen Yu, Founder of Mathnasium Southpark Meadows, to chat about what inspires her in business.
As we know so well, young AAPI professionals and entrepreneurs – our “next generation” – are a critical element in our community’s vibrancy and our ability to impact and influence the future. Supporting and even accelerating the development of young leaders and entrepreneurs is a critical piece of the Asian Chamber’s work. We’re stepping up our focus in this area.
Summer has begun and the GAACC is offering a series of informative and useful opportunities for you to grow your small business!
Night Market Comes to East Austin’s Distribution Hall on May 25th
By any measure, 2022 was a year of success for the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce. We are proud of our community and look forward to another year of growth in 2023. Check out the 2022 Year-In-Review to see the impact our chamber and the AAPI business community has on Central Texas and around the globe.
WHAT WILL AUSTIN BE LIKE IN 2032? We won’t know for sure until we all get there together, but one thing we DO know: the future is up to us! This video was played during the future-themed GAACC Ovation X gala in December, 2022. We hope you find it as inspirational as we do. Thank you to CBS Austin for co-producing this video with us.
U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27) remarks on the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce, our roie in elevating AAPI voices in Central Texas, and her ongoing work as Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. Thank you, Rep. Chu, for your support of the AAPI community across the United States!
GAACC Impact Partners make possible the Central Texas Asian Impact Project.
Beyond the generous financial support provided through Impact Partnerships, these organizations are designated as Impact Project Knowledge Partners and actively participate in the development of that initiative through in-kind provision of time and talent.
The Diversity Ethnic Chamber Alliance (DECA) is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the Austin LGBT, Greater Austin Asian, Greater Austin Black, and Greater Austin Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. The City of Austin Economic Development Department is a generous supporter of DECA
Becoming a Corporate Partner of the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce shows the world that your business supports AAPI enterprises and communities throughout the Central Texas region.
The Austin Asian Chamber’s Organizational Partners are companies and organizations that are well-aligned with our dual focus to “Serve local. Think global.” Whether they provide expertise and connection around the Greater Austin startup and small business ecosystems or assist in building robust relationships abroad to support the “two-way highway” of international investment and talent, these Partners are critical to our ongoing success.
Stay on top of the latest news and events from the Chamber and the Central Texas AAPI business community,